Monday, November 22, 2021

5 Myths about Workout

Myths about Fitness

Myth 1: The best time to exercise is in the morning

Truth: As the saying goes, "The plan for a day lies in the morning." Many people get up before dawn and exercise, believing that exercise in the early morning can help boost vitality, promote blood circulation, strengthen their physique, and prepare themselves well for a busy day. In fact, exercising too early is not good for the health. Our blood pressure level reaches its first peak from 6 to 8 in the morning. Exercise will increase the cardiac load and raise blood pressure. Especially for patients with hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is not advisable to exercise too early.

Generally speaking, time from 10 am to 11 am and 4 pm to 6 pm are the best periods for exercises. The air quality around 10 o'clock is better, suitable for outdoor sports. Near the dusk, the body's physical strength generally reaches its peak, and the exercise effect is best at this time. A certain amount of exercise can stimulate the body, and the exercise effect will be better when the body is in good condition.

Myth 2: Fasted fitness can help you lose weight

Truth: The so-called "fasted fitness is better for losing weight" is a misunderstanding. Although fasted fitness can burn more calories in a short period of time, too long a period of time can easily make the body insufficient. Therefore, don't go running on an empty stomach, so as to avoid hypoglycemia or lack of energy, which will force you to end running prematurely. In addition, some patients with chronic diseases, especially diabetic patients, exercise on an empty stomach will harm the body more.

It is better to eat first when exercising. You can eat foods that are easy to digest about 1 hour or foods that are not so easy to digest 2 hours before going for fitness.

Myth 3: Anaerobic exercise cannot reduce fat

The truth: The current popular opinion in the international sports medicine community believes that the most efficient exercise for reducing fat within the same exercise period is precisely the high-intensity anaerobic interval exercise. After the high-intensity anaerobic intermittent exercise is stopped, the energy consumed by the body is much greater than that after the aerobic exercise is stopped. For some obese people, it is difficult to lose weight by aerobic exercise, because it is difficult to exercise for more than half an hour, and short-term high-intensity anaerobic interval exercise to lose weight may be better and easier.

Aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise are not simply distinguished based on exercise items, but based on the way the body's material is metabolized during exercise. In actual exercise, generally do anaerobic exercise first to consume the body's own calories, and then perform aerobic exercise, so that more body fat can be burnt to provide energy.

Myth 4: Running can damage the knee

The truth: There are quite a few people who exercise by running and walking fast. And it's true that many of them suffer from back pain, knee joint abrasion, and plantar pain when they walk. But this has a lot to do with incorrect exercise posture. Running is not the "culprit" of knee injury, but incorrect running posture and methods are to blame. When running, we need to pay attention to adopting the correct running posture and make full use of leg strength.

For people who love running and fitness, warming up before exercise is necessary. Especially, focus on warming up the parts to be exercised. Pay attention to intensity control. Whenever there is discomfort or pain, the first thing to do is to stop the exercise. When the pain is severe and affects walking and exercise, go to see a doctor for diagnosis and repair in time.

Myth 5: Exercise is the best way to lose weight

Truth: Exercise helps to lose weight, but in terms of weight loss, diet plays a much greater role than exercise. No matter which weight loss method we choose, both the two things are the key: exercise and diet. Only by choosing the right way to lose weight can we gain a desired physique without compromising our health.

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